I am so happy you made your way to this page. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mary Neary. I am a native of Rhode Island, married  45 years to my husband Kevin, and reside in New Jersey. I  have 4 children and 9 beautiful grandchildren.  My education began at the University of Pennsylvania where I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and later I completed a Master’s in Theology from LaSalle University. In 2006, after 3 years of Formation, I was commissioned by the late Bishop John J. Smith, Diocese of Trenton as a Lay Commissioned Ecclesial Minister. I have worked in several capacities within Trenton and Camden Diocese of New Jersey as a Pastoral Associate and Director of Ministries. I was teaching Theology at an all Girl’s Catholic High School in Philadelphia and retired this pass June to dedicate my time to sharing God’s Good News of His redeeming grace and mercy through retreats/workshops and talks.

My personal faith journey has deeply shaped my development as a faith leader. As I reflected on the moments that were pivotal to my growth and development, these personal stories come to mind. Perhaps you’ll see yourself in them too...

After the birth of my first child I went through a long period of postpartum depression I was 24 years old . At the time, I had no idea what was causing such sadness and depression. This lack of knowledge sent me deeper into depression and a longer period of confusion. It was my faith and the support of my sister that pulled me through. From that moment on I made a commitment to God and myself, that I would support and share my story with other moms who were suffering from this same syndrome. My main focus was to make sure they knew they were not alone, nor were they losing their minds and they would get through (to this day I continue to share my story, pray and support the young moms that God brings my way who are suffering from postpartum depression).

Along with my faith, I felt a strong desire to pursue an education in the field of Psychology and Theology. However, with four young children and just getting by financially, I put this dream way back on my list of priorities! However, to my surprise, God had other plans. Again, with the support and encouragement of close neighbors I applied and received a full scholarship to the University of Penn to pursue a college degree in Psychology. It took me 6 long years to go to school at night to see this dream become a reality. Despite, the excitement of reaching this goal and dream I felt the need to continue with my education this time in Theology. Again, I had no idea how this would happen. Again, with the support, encouragement, and financial support of the Lay Ecclesial Ministry program through the Diocese of Trenton, I completed my MA in Theology.

The journey never ends nor does the learning and spiritual formation. My heart is ready to take the next step wherever and whenever God leads me trusting in His divine providence to light the way!

I would love to hear your story. Email me at info@maryneary.com.