Retreats & Missions

Come away from the demands and busyness of life and learn to rest and care for your body, mind and spirit. Learn and experience the art of silence. Learn to deepen your awareness of the presence of God in you and in your brothers and sister. Learn how to relate to Jesus as friend and develop a healthy image of God and yourself. Listen to stories of other men and women who have found peace and comfort through a personal relationship with God. Make and develop new friends and learn how to laugh more, be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey of life.


1. Mary's Greatest Hour: Faith, Trust & Surrender

Mary, is truly our model, Mentor, Advocate and Intercessor. Mary’s faith and example will teach and inspire you to be faithful, undivided and perseverant in your own faith journey. Learn how to cultivate her qualities in all situations.

2. St. Rita: The Saint of Hopeless Situations

St. Rita is a testimony to prayer, fasting and the power of the Sacraments. Discover what you can change and let go of what you can’t. Learn how to change negative thought patterns through self-knowledge and the practice of forgiveness.

3. Here I am Lord, sent me

How does one 'hear' and 'discern' God's call in their life? This retreat provides an opportunity to contemplate and consider what it means to be a Christian today and how to become more successful in living faithfully God's call. 

4. The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Empowered to Serve

Who is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity? Rediscover the Holy Spirit's role and action in your life and how to recognize and distinguish between the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit through prayer, scripture and journaling. 

Array of Hope in Concert Youth Retreat for Confirmation

5. The Potter and the Clay

God has created us for a purpose. Participants will learn ways to discover and develop their gifts and talents to achieve and reach their greatest potential. 

6. St. Monica: Perseverance in Prayer

Is God listening? Learn the skills of perseverance and gain insight and strength from the wisdom of a simple mother who would not give up praying for her wayward son.