When it comes down to sharing our faith Saint Francis has the right idea...'preach the gospel at all times and if necessary use words"! I believe we spend more time worrying about what we will say then how we act. If we are to share the gospel message there must be no ambiguity between what we say and what we do. This by no means exempts us from sharing the word of God, rather it is a reminder that our actions can bring others to Christ or turn them away.
Consider for a moment a time in your life when you realized that your actions did not convey a true Christian attitude. When you have judged someone based on their appearance or their education and treated them differently. In my own experience one place I find most difficult to maintain a Christ-like posture is while driving. I must confess, I have little patience with drivers who tailgate. I would not consider myself a candidate for road rage, but I have come to recognize that we are all capable of anything without God's grace and presence.
As Christians we are called to demonstrate to the world God's love by acts of mercy and kindness expecting no retribution. Many times our kindness and compassion have been the catalyst for healing and reconciliation. When we serve our brothers and sisters we help to break down walls and barriers that keep us apart.
In the following exhortation Pope Francis shares Jesus' model on sharing the faith with others; "Jesus' attitude is sticking: we do not hear the words of scorn, we do not hear words of condemnation, but only words of love, of mercy, which are an initiation to conversation. "Neither do I condemn you; go, and do not sin again." Ah! Brothers and Sisters, God's face is the face of a merciful father who is always patent. Have you thought about God's patience, the patience he has with each one of us? That is His mercy. He always has patience, patience with us, He understand us, He waits for us, He does not tire of forgiving us if we are able to return to Him with a contrite heart. "Great is God's mercy."
Actions speak louder than words!